As a college student, you have a pretty full schedule ahead of you. You're attending classes, studying, and possibly working off-campus so you can make enough money to put a dent in those student loans. As many college students do, you probably attend a few parties during the semester and ultimately have a few drinks. Many students turn to alcohol as a way to relieve the stress long hours of hitting the books can cause. If you're of age, there's nothing wrong with having a drink or two. However, many students make the poor decision of driving themselves home after a night of drinking.
Driving under the influence is never acceptable and will put you and those around you in tremendous danger because there's an increased risk of causing a traffic accident. If you are caught driving drunk, having that arrest on your record is not going to look good. In fact, getting a DUI in college could affect your future. And not in a good way! Here's why getting a DUI in college can be pretty detrimental for you and the career ahead of you.
Your DUI May Be Reported To Your College
In most cases, when you receive a DUI, the arrest will be reported to the college you're attending. There are a variety of consequences that could come from this arrest, depending on how your college handles such an incident. If you are attending school on a scholarship, it's possible that you could lose your funding. This in itself can negatively impact students who fully depend on their scholarship to pay for tuition semester after semester. However, even if you do receive a DUI, there are scholarships available for students who have previously received a DUI, so you can still apply for those.
Do you receive any other kind of financial help? Federal financial aid programs may even stop providing you with assistance to pay for your schooling or they could deny it in the first place. It really depends on the requirements that your chosen federal financial aid program has outlined for its recipients. You may even lose housing if you're living on campus at the time of the DUI arrest. It's also possible to be expelled from school as a result, but again, this depends on how your college handles this type of situation.
If you are only just applying to college, your application will likely ask about previous arrests and convictions. It's important that you don't lie on your application because a simple search online will reveal the truth when the admissions department reviews your public record. Be honest about any DUI convictions you have had when completing college applications. If asked about the incident, express your regret and make it clear that you have made a change since then. There's no reason to let one DUI make you worried about whether or not you'll be accepted into the college of your choice.
It Can Negatively Impact Your Career Aspirations
Getting a DUI in college can be detrimental not just to your education, but also to your future career. If you are pursuing a career that will require you to have some type of license in order to do your job, such as a lawyer or nurse, you might not be able to move forward with that degree.
It's also much more difficult to get a job when you have a DUI on your record. Many employers will see that and they might not want to hire you as a result. This can impact those on a variety of career paths. One DUI arrest could end your career before it has even had a chance to begin.
If you're juggling a job while also attending college, you may even lose the job you currently have. Many employers don't take kindly to their employees being arrested for a DUI. The loss of your job can make it difficult to pay for your education, books, and other things you need to maintain your campus life. Once you've lost a job due to a DUI arrest, you will likely find it difficult to secure another one.
A DUI is a Costly Incident
Being arrested for a DUI can be very expensive financially. Not only will you wind up having to pay an attorney's fee, but you'll likely be required to pay exorbitant fines and penalties as a consequence for the crime. As a college student, having to pay something so expensive can really put a drain on your bank account, especially when you're juggling tuition and other bills. Fines for a DUI can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars, which is something no college student will want to deal with.
A DUI arrest in college isn't just costly financially, but it can also cost you your freedom. Even a first offense for a DUI can leave you facing jail time, which can be damaging to your college education. It will require you to take time away from your classes, which will ultimately extend your college career. No one wants to spend their college semester sitting in a jail cell! This is why it's so important to hire an attorney who can fight to keep you out of jail so you are free to continue attending your classes.
Don't Drink and Drive
There's nothing wrong with having a few drinks to unwind after a long week of college classes (as long as you are of age). However, the decision to drink and drive yourself home afterwards is never a good one. Don't make the mistake of putting your college education and your life at risk by doing something so irresponsible.
If you're going to drink, make sure you find a safe ride home. Instead of getting behind the wheel, call a taxi or make one of your friends the designated driver for the night. It's better to be safe than sorry, so don't ruin your college education in a single night.
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