Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 12, 2024 |
Rhode Island's legislative move to decriminalize minor drug possession, spearheaded by Rep. Jose F. Batista but excluding fentanyl, highlights a shift towards therapeutic approaches in handling drug-related offenses, despite facing significant opposition.
Posted by Ken Barrett | Aug 27, 2020 |
Open and Serving Clients During COVID-19: The Marin, Barrett, and Murphy Law Firm is open and serving our clients at this time. Call us at 401-380-6724 to schedule a consultation to discuss your misdemeanor or felony criminal charges.
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 30, 2019 |
In Rhode Island, the government recognizes certain types of assault on persons over the age of 60 to merit their own category under the law. As such, there are four types of assault on the books specifically detailing conduct that is criminal, in part, because the victim has reached the age of 60...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 30, 2019 |
In Rhode Island, there are more than two dozen ways one can commit an assault under the criminal code. Below we discuss some of the more common assault offenses. For an introduction to assault and battery, please see our previous blog post on the subject.
Domestic Abuse by Strangulation
Posted by Ken Barrett | Aug 13, 2018 |
When someone is convicted of a crime, there are direct consequences, which can include
a fine,
jail time, or
prison time.
In many cases, a combination of these consequences is imposed by the court. But these are the only consequences one might face as the result of a criminal ...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jul 31, 2018 |
Perjury is a criminal offense in Rhode Island, and understanding what constitutes perjury is important for anyone who is about to testify. Making a mistake while testifying in front of a judge can lead to criminal charges.
In Rhode Island, perjury is governed by Statute § 11 – 33 – 1. In Rhode I...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jul 27, 2018 |
Rhode Island has a law prohibiting “unreasonable noise levels.” Rhode Island's law prohibits “unreasonable, excessive and annoying noise levels.” What sounds are “annoying” may arguably be in the ears of the beholder. However, the law provides some guidance as to what qualifies as illegal noise.
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jul 26, 2018 |
In the state of Rhode Island, there are several different types of conduct that constitute first-degree murder. One of these, felony murder, has been previously discussed in our blog. Another type of first-degree murder is known as "premeditated murder."
The Elements of First Degree Premeditated...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jul 16, 2018 |
When someone is charged with a crime in the state of Rhode Island, the consequences one might face vary with the severity of the charges. Under Rhode Island Statute § 11 – 1 -2, there are four different types of charges one might face in criminal law. These include the following:
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jul 11, 2018 |
It's summertime. From little league to horse racing to amateur boxing, there are plenty of opportunities to hang out and enjoy the summer weather while taking in a sporting event. Depending on one's allegiance to the players or the sport in general, it may be natural to hope one side wins over th...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jun 30, 2018 |
Entrapment is one of the most frequently misunderstood defenses to criminal charges. We break it down here in a general sense.
Required Precursors to an Entrapment Charge
In entrapment defense claims, the government must first show the defendant committed the crime. If the government can't prov...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jun 27, 2018 |
The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, as well as Article I, Section 6 of the Rhode Island Constitution, offers people certain privacy guarantees. While some of the words are slightly different, the intent of both amendments is the same. Rhode Island's version states:
The right ...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jun 20, 2018 |
In Rhode Island, the Domestic Violence Prevention Act details the consequences people face when convicted of a crime of domestic violence. These are consequences over and above the consequences one might face for any criminal conviction, which typically include a fine and jail or prison time.
Posted by Ken Barrett | Jun 13, 2018 |
In the State of Rhode Island, arson is charged by degree, with first-degree arson being most serious, and seventh-degree arson being the least serious arson offense. Understanding the conduct and the charges that may arise out of such conduct may prevent someone from being charged with a crime. I...
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 31, 2018 |
If you're facing criminal charges, you will be making one or more court appearances. Showing up on time and on the right date is very important. Missing a court appearance can even result in a bench warrant issued for your arrest, even if you have a good reason for being late. Here are a few sugg...
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 25, 2018 |
Rhode Island has a particularly confusing statute governing theft by false pretenses. It states:
Every person who shall obtain from another designedly, by any false pretense or pretenses, any money, goods, wares, or other property, with intent to cheat or defraud, and every person who shall pers...
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 21, 2018 |
A criminal trial is a mystery to most people. Criminal cases, like civil cases, settle more than 90 percent of the time, so even people who have had one or more criminal charges may never have seen a criminal trial. Criminal trials proceed in a certain order, as discussed below.
Selecting a Jury...
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 17, 2018 |
When someone causes the death of another human being, there are several different types of crimes one may be charged with. Different circumstances surrounding a death can dictate charges as serious as first-degree murder or something less serious, such as second-degree murder or manslaughter. One...
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 16, 2018 |
If you receive a traffic ticket in Rhode Island, you may think just paying the ticket is the easiest thing to do. While paying the ticket may take the least amount of time, this does not necessarily mean paying the ticket is in your best interests.
Paying the Ticket Constitutes a Guilty Plea
Posted by Ken Barrett | May 01, 2018 |
You dont have to watch too many courtroom dramas to hear about a case being dismissed “on a technicality.” But what does that really mean? Typically, the “technicality” being referred to is the United States Constitution, as well as the states Constitution. The Constitution guarantees certain r...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 30, 2018 |
In Rhode Island, state law defines driving under the influence (DUI) as driving a motor vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or higher. If the driver is under the age of 21, the driver can be charged with a DUI with a BAC 0.02% or greater. A commercial driver can be charged with a DUI with a BAC 0.04% or ...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 19, 2018 |
The penalty for robbery depends on the facts of the case. The more serious robbery punishment is for robberies where one of the following has occurred:
The robbery was accomplished by use of a dangerous weapon;
The victim of the robbery was injured;
The victim of the robbery was severely imp...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 15, 2018 |
Breaking and Entering a Dwelling House, Defined
Breaking and entering a dwelling house requires the following elements:
Breaking the plane (this could be opening a door or window, regardless of whether or not the door or window was locked);
Entering the dwelling (this could be walking throug...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Apr 14, 2018 |
Are there certain rules everyone has to follow while on probation in Rhode Island?
Yes. If you are placed on probation in Rhode Island, the judge will order you to follow the general conditions of probation. Failure to follow the judges orders may result in a probation violation. Parole rules m...
Posted by Ken Barrett | Mar 30, 2018 |
Often times people who find themselves in the criminal justice system have just made a mistake they wish they could undo. The fear of consequences--including jail time and lengthy probation--can be paralyzing. In certain cases, diversion may be an option. Quite literally, Rhode Islands diversion...